We Dream The Future
We Dream The Future is a simple project to help youth inspire other youth through online media. The project is only at its beginning phases, and your ideas may help to shape the way it grows in the future. There are many ideas on the horizon for this project, including a youth film festival/contest, mentoring program, scholarships and national or international conference. That will all require a bigger team and budget, but you can help by telling your friends and generating interest in the program.
It All Starts With 2 Simple Questions:
What is your dream or vision for the future?
What is 1 thing you need to DO or LEARN in order to make this dream a reality?
The project is welcome to anyone between the ages of 12 – 22. Just make a 30-45 second video of yourself answering these 2 simple questions and post the video to You-Tube and send us a link to your video! More information about participating is available on this page
This project is Federally Tax-Exempt, it is sponsored by Culture Collective and The Creative Visions Foundation there are also affiliates who we are very grateful for that are listed on our credits page.
This program was originally created under a sponsorship from Flip Camera, but then Flip’s parent company (Cisco) was bought by Dell and Flip was discontinued before we could launch. So the site sat dormant for a few years but was never forgotten. We are very happy to revise it once again that it may continue to grow as originally envisioned by The Culture Collective Team.
It is our goal to make this program available to youth everywhere, regardless of their socio-economic standing. Everyone deserves a voice in shaping our future!